Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Missionary's Departure-Part 3: General Mayhem

Just as I was about to post the last blog entry, my computer started acting very funny and some strange warnings started popping up. To make a long story short, I had a rootkit on my computer (a program that a hacker installs which allows him to access information on a computer without being detected). This is not what you want to see three days before moving overseas. I will admit that I am very dependent on my computer. In the midst of switching over phone plans, packing and taping boxes, returning library books, answering the phone and talking with well wishers, and a hundred other things that needed to happen before heading back to Europe, this was a very unpleasant surprise. Most of the data on my computer is safe...but it will take some time to "re-assemble" all the data. And in the meantime I am changing online passwords and watching for suspicious movement. One consequence has been that I did not continue my series on departure. Now I have a lot of writing material! Another consequence is that I am behind on email and other computer related projects (I told you I was dependent on my computer!)

But God is good and, all in all, our departure for the Czech Republic went well. The flights over were uneventful and we arrived at the airport in time. Thanks to our friends/colleagues we arrived home with all our belongings well ahead of schedule. Sometimes jetlag takes a long time to get over and sometimes it goes quickly. This was a "long time" jetlag for all of us. Nathanael was up for 3-4 hours for 4 nights. Mom and Dad split shifts with him. Therefore, I have gotten another virus...this time a physical one that is causing a very painful sore throat and 4 medicines being taken variously throughout the day. I guess when it rains, it pours.

During the first few days back, we used the opportunity of unpacking to do some spring cleaning. We are getting rid of a LOT of stuff at the Christian International School of Prague "garage sale" called March Madness. This has felt good to downsize a little bit at the start of our time here.

We are looking forward to going to Vlasim Roma church on Sunday and re-connecting with everyone there. I am also setting up calls and meetings with other ministry partners as we get used to life and ministry in the Czech Republic. Thank you for your prayers and support.

PS Good news on the visa front. I have successfully obtained a work permit and turned in all necessary paperwork for the work visa. Rarely do they accept all the paperwork and then deny the visa....but keep praying! We will go in on Tuesday to turn in the applications for the rest of the family which should be pretty straightforward.


  1. Tom,
    Glad you got your visa, sorry you got a virus. Lord willing you are feeling better now. Glad you and your family are back in the Czech Republic and I bet many of your friends and co-wokers are too! - Bob Manuel

  2. Good grief Beckers! What a ride!! VERY glad to hear you are there safely and that visa's are in place. Viruses will be conquered! Don't rush or diminish the recovery time you need. Take good care of yourselves and maybe we'll see you in the next year or two! :)
