Sunday, March 18, 2012


I had 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 42 seconds to pray and think on Saturday morning. As my feet carried me on an 8 mile run through farmland and local villages, my thoughts and prayers wandered pretty far. But they kept returning to a 2 part question that has been burning in my heart: How is God reaching the Roma Gypsies across Europe and what is my part in this?

For those of you who know me, this is not a new question along my journey. However, with some recent focusing my time, my direction is becoming clearer. As my direction becomes more clear, I am articulating it to others. My prayer is that, just as I am able to increase the distance of my weekly "long run", I will increase my ability to present a vision for Roma ministry. The Lord has placed a burden for this on my heart which demands that I make it a top priority. To this end, I have been interacting with colleagues, potential partners, and others in order to discern how God is leading.

Please be in prayer as the Lord leads me to share my thoughts and develop more concrete steps for ministry. You will be hearing more concrete details and ways you can be involved soon. Maybe as soon as the completion of my next long run!


  1. Tom,

    Are you preparing for the 1/2 Marathon in April?

    I look forward to discussing ministry with you this Friday.

    Blessings from NO,


    1. I am just racking up miles right now. I would like to aim for half marathon in Budapest in September. Having read this post, you have an idea what we might talk about on Friday. Looking forward to it!

    2. Hi I am Faith, a student at North Carolina State University (I have been emailing back and forth with your wife). I have greatly enjoyed reading your Blogs. I too have found that long runs are some of the best time to pray and dwell on God! I am getting ready for an 8K:) Know that I am praying for you and God's direction in reaching to Roma Gypsies in Europe!

    3. Hi Faith. I am glad you are reading the blogs and praying for the Roma in Europe! I appreciate it. That is great that you are preparing for an 8K. May the Lord grant you his presence and good communication during your long runs! Let us know when you will be in Europe so we can welcome you here.

  2. I'm trying to prep for a 5K -- way more whimpy than you, Tom. But as I jog/walk for 30 to 45 minutes now and then, I will seek to remember to pray for you as you seek wisdom and guidance. May the Lord bring clear vision, and some obvious "yeses" and "nos" to you.

    You're inspiring to me both for the running and the desire to learn God's will ever more clearly!

    Laurie Lind (don't mean to look anonymous here -- just don't know which other choice under "comment as" to choose

    1. Hi Laurie! Thanks for your encouragement and prayers. That is one of the reasons I enjoy the long runs so much. I start to really focus my thoughts and my prayers. Running a half marathon will be fun and give a sense of accomplishment...but the physical, mental, creative strength I derive from running AND the prayer (listening to God) during my regular runs makes running worthwhile.

  3. I love it that you are running! Everything about long distance running is an analogy to the kind of work you do and the life of the people you are working with. So I'm thinking... a Run Across Europe for a cause, a few concerts... it could happen. :)

    1. I have really grown to appreciate what running does for me spiritually and how it focuses thoughts and prayers. I agree that it is a great analogy of life and work. Run Across Europe, Hmmm... and some concerts...I think we need to talk more about this!
